Thanks for being here and supporting Girls on the Run!
We hope you enjoy these stand-out scrunchies on your next run, and be sure to say hi to our attending attorney, Chandra Lehn!
Who are we?
A local, community-based personal injury law team. If you or a loved one ever find yourself in need of representation after an accident or injury, we’re here to help.
What do we do?
You get a 1:1 attorney consult at no charge, for starters. We walk (or run?) our clients through treatment plans and complicated legal steps that follow. Our key goal is to maximize your recovery.
Yeah, yeah...but how are we different?
You won’t be added to a growing pile of cases our attorneys can’t keep up with. We honestly advise on the merits of a case. We bite off only what we can chew.
We go after diminished value for your vehicle, which is something many firms won’t touch. We want to make you as whole as possible after an auto accident.
We’re experienced in fighting insurance companies, and we’re confidently staffed to move to court it that’s what it takes.
So keep this card. We hope you won't need it, but if you do, we'll be here for you.